By mr1234 - 05/03/2014 21:37 - United States - North Weymouth

Today, every "entry level" job in my field is now requiring 2-5 years experience. I don't think they understand what "entry level" actually means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 839
You deserved it 3 378

mr1234 tells us more.

Thanks for the support and encouragement everyone, it's nice to know that I wasn't totally degraded for something that's been extremely frustrating. I'm very lucky the currently have a full time job (A supervisory position, at 24, as a woman!). And for those wondering, my field is business administration. i have a Bachelor's degree and plenty of legitimate work experience, just not experience that is directly related to what they want. so *whoosh* in the trash goes my resume!

Top comments

samimarie199 22

Jobs these days expect more than they say they do so... Like the saying goes "no job no experience, no experience no job". Good luck op


Unfortunately, that is typical. No one will hire you for jobs even if you went to school for it because they won't hire you w/o experience. How the hell do you get the experience if they won't hire? Makes no sense.

That's why should take a coop program in school.

If you can actually find one of those programs, that is.

An entry level job can also just mean that there is room to advance. Basically it's just stating that if you get the job, you're the low man on the totem pole, but over time you can get promoted. You can't just start in a managerial position.

I try to explain this shit to my dad, he never ******* believes me and thinks that when I show him the job requirements, that I made up the document or the page it's on somehow.

It's a catch-22. You can't work without experience, and can't get experience without work.

I understand what you're going through, as horrible as it is, you just need to keep applying and hope that someone will give you a job!

I did Non Paid internships during law school.... Lots of them. i had a good paying job before is important to use summer and free time to do something productive . Best of luck

Not everyone can afford non paid internships, because they need to eat/pay bills and don't have other financial support. Also unpaid internships are just modern day slavery.

I was using my summers and free time to start a successful business where clients actually pay me. Does that make me more hireable? Surprisingly not, since it was out of field. There's no way I could have afforded school and living without an income though.

They're rarely pay out. Love and good intentions don't pay for groceries.

Depends on the field. My field pays well and compensates for summer internships. My school actually encourages students to not take unpaid internships.

I know the feeling. I just graduated for MA and jobs say entry level. But when you apply its nothing but 2 years XP etc. Luckily I got hired on where I interned at, BC if I hadn't I still haven't heard anything back from the 20 jobs I applied to. Good luck to you. Maybe a favorite teacher can help?

It is entry level for that company, they only take experienced staff. :-)