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It was a different time…

By jane - 21/10/2023 18:00

Today, my boyfriend logged onto his old Skype account from 2012 to nostalgically look back at some old gaming chats. He started bawling when he came across his now-deceased online friend’s profile and reminisced about the good times. The whole chat consisted of the ‘N word’ sent back and forth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 577
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd have three separate reactions if both of them were black, if one of them were and if neither of them were.

Chat content aside, let the man grieve and reminisce.


Chat content aside, let the man grieve and reminisce.

I'd have three separate reactions if both of them were black, if one of them were and if neither of them were.

I wouldn't care. It's a "dumb" chat between friends, nothing more. Let the kids have their fun. There are many other things you can be offended at.

1. Is he Black? 2. It was 11 years ago so he may have matured since then 3. He has every right to grieve because those memories mean something to him

He probably wasn't really looking at the chat itself, more thinking of the good memories he had with his friend outside of it? He probably (hopefully) matured a lot since then, so as long as no one else who could be hurt by it sees that chat it's probably okay

ODBeefalo 10

in 2012 being offensive in "closed door" situations like this made lots of people giggle like children... it still does but the "behind closed doors" matters a lot less to the people who find out about it. your BF had a great time playing games and being a dumbass with his bud. wasn't hurtin anybody and wasn't being a shitty person, just childish humor that wasn't about or meant for you. let him grieve and forget their chat history, bringing it up won't do anybody any good.