By mr1234 - 05/03/2014 21:37 - United States - North Weymouth

Today, every "entry level" job in my field is now requiring 2-5 years experience. I don't think they understand what "entry level" actually means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 834
You deserved it 3 375

mr1234 tells us more.

Thanks for the support and encouragement everyone, it's nice to know that I wasn't totally degraded for something that's been extremely frustrating. I'm very lucky the currently have a full time job (A supervisory position, at 24, as a woman!). And for those wondering, my field is business administration. i have a Bachelor's degree and plenty of legitimate work experience, just not experience that is directly related to what they want. so *whoosh* in the trash goes my resume!

Top comments

samimarie199 22

Jobs these days expect more than they say they do so... Like the saying goes "no job no experience, no experience no job". Good luck op


Im in the same boat as you. Im a final year law student and I have been looking for work experience, volunteer work, cadetships, etc for almost 2 years and I have got nothing to show for it. "I cant get a job because I have no experience because..." loop.

"You keep using that word. I don't believe you understand what it means"

unfortunately for you your gonna have to take that low paying crappy job to get the experience to get that entry level job that pays better.

been there done that, doesn't hurt to apply, worst that can happen is that they reject you. there were quite a few positions that said that in their qualifications when I was job hunting, including the one I'm in

buttcramp 21

I'm curious about what field of work this is.. and what company.

jaellin 18

The answer is probably volunteering or an internship. Yes it sucks, it won't pay the bills and you may need to moonlight as well, but it is possible. I got my experience required job with no experience by working for FREE for a week. That's the only way I could convince them to take a chance on me, but I worked my ass off that week, proved myself and six months later I'm making decent money at the same company.

Ignore those experience year stamps and apply anyways. The worst that can happen is that they don't call you.

Unfortunately, most entry-level jobs are like this. trying doing an internship. paid if possible. This will give you the experience you need to get started on your career path. good luck OP!

Best one is "2-5 years paid work experience". So uhh, How do I get experience?

Even mcdonalds won't hire anyone but high school or college kids because they believe they'll bring in more business. Yet those friends are getting free meals. And those that actually NEED money to support their families don't get the hours and have to deal with the kids who rather stand around and talk than do their jobs.

that would be because jobs at mcdonalds are aimed towards school-aged kids and first time jobs, not a 'im an adult and need full time hours at maccas to support my family' kind of job.