By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 20:17 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 20:17 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
By hangup - 04/07/2009 15:51 - United States
By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States
By vadoodoo22 - 15/01/2010 05:02 - France
By coltsfoot - 23/05/2010 09:08 - Norway
By lolatmylife - 22/08/2014 06:02 - United States
By QuinnyZebrass - 02/04/2013 04:11 - United States - Laveen
By Anonymous - 07/04/2023 16:00
By Anonymous - 23/05/2010 05:32 - Canada
By itsemilyc - 02/02/2015 19:34 - United States - Byron Center
By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 23:07 - Canada
Well alrighty then
You mean "I'm going to punch your face, but it will just sort of happen..." right?
At least he told him.
Yes. Op should celebrate the fact that he was told that his girlfriend hd sex with his so called friend
#61- I don't know what world you live in but usually I wouldn't stay friends with a girlfriend banger.
hopefully OP finds someone new in Florida
It's just intercourse...honestly I'll never get why people make such a big deal out of it.
Because it should be sacred, not just out there for everyone ^
Because if every one thought just like you, the human race would have been extinct long ago do to many STDs. You have to heads; you can, at the very least, use one to think (and no, in your case, I'm NOT talking about the lower one).
what, she slipped, fell, landed on his dick?
it was just coincidence! Wrong place at the wrong time!
#71 Does your Jim Carey voice in your head also say "are" after every time it says "your"? Because you're totally making him sound like a complete jackass! Quick lesson: YOU'RE = YOU ARE Example: You're a jackass. = You are a jackass. YOUR = shows that something belongs to YOU or shows possession. Example: Your teacher should've taught you this in elementary school. YOU'RE WELCOME! :)
Some people do.
You sound like you're, YOU ARE a jackass.
129, YOU'RE a ****. Did I use it right there??
Tell him your sorta gunna kick his ass when you get back
#129, correcting someone's grammar is one thing, but doing it so harshly and condescendingly is another, very jackass-esque thing. I know that's not even a word, but point is, you're a jackass. In other words, You Are a jackass. Good day.
Bitch please!! You know how easy it is to slip and fall into another's ****** penis first... muggle.
^^This is exactly how my biology teacher explains 'random mating.' A male just falls from the sky and his penis falls into a random ******.
Since your username has to deal with the love for your arm, do the sexual charges come from yourself?
What a great friend D:
It's not only his fault. The girlfriend could of stopped it.
Imagining that hurts, haha aow
Sounds legit
Happens to the best of us
No, he clearly was doing yard work with no pants on and he accidently used a leaf blower on OPs friend and blew off her cloths.
Maybe his penis was too sort?
Tell him that you two are sort of not friends anymore.
The guilt got to him so that's good. He has a conscience. He's still an asshole though.
Or you know... Maybe he was just bragging?
Maybe you should "just sort of" stop talking to him and break up with your girlfriend. Cheaters and betrayers don't deserve your company.
Or he could 'sort of' punch him in the face
That kind of stuff doesn't just "sort of" happen. Sorry op. Ditch them both.
It's not his fault. He accidentally tripped and fell into her lady parts.