By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 20:17 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 20:17 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
By hangup - 04/07/2009 15:51 - United States
By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States
By vadoodoo22 - 15/01/2010 05:02 - France
By coltsfoot - 23/05/2010 09:08 - Norway
By lolatmylife - 22/08/2014 06:02 - United States
By QuinnyZebrass - 02/04/2013 04:11 - United States - Laveen
By Anonymous - 07/04/2023 16:00
By Anonymous - 23/05/2010 05:32 - Canada
By itsemilyc - 02/02/2015 19:34 - United States - Byron Center
By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 23:07 - Canada
At least he was honest about it?
That sucks. Well at least you were in Florida
Credit to the friend who actually manned up and called you to tell you, if I was you OP, I'd act as if nothing is different when I get back and see if your girlfriend has the same decency, although I'd probably end it either way, it's just about seeing her integrity and respect for you.
dump both their asses
What did he do? Trip into her ******? **** both of them (not literally).
Um, yeah. Your friend is a dick.
That's messed up, yo. Sort of.
That kind of stuff doesn't just "sort of" happen. Sorry op. Ditch them both.
It's not his fault. He accidentally tripped and fell into her lady parts.