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By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 20:17 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, half-way through my trip to Florida, I received a call from my friend of six years. "I sort of had sex with your girlfriend while you were gone." He said it "just sort of happened." FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 148
You deserved it 4 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

That kind of stuff doesn't just "sort of" happen. Sorry op. Ditch them both.

Pwn17 25

It's not his fault. He accidentally tripped and fell into her lady parts.


Tell him that you're sort of pissed off.

Sorry to hear it man! Dump their sorry asses and get some loyal friends

chocolatefrog28 29

I hate it when that "just sort of happens", when you spontaneously lose all your clothes at the same time as someone else and get stuck together at the pelvis. If only people could make a conscious choice to do or not do that on their own, relationships wouldn't be so hard to maintain.

Or she walked out of the shower while he was changing and then she tripped, fell and landed on his dick

chocolatefrog28 29

It's a dangerous world we live in, when we have to be on alert all the time for shit like that.

An old friend betraying you would hurt worse than a new friend

perdix 29

Well, you still have the second half of your trip to Florida to get laid. Some of the hottest girls in the world are there -- or so Pitbull would have you believe ;)

Well, that's two exes you have now, ex-friend and ex-girlfriend

Poetaster 10

Neither of them are good for you. Dump them both and get a girlfriend that has integrity and morals. Dont waste your time on these two loosers.

"Yeah man, I swear! I was asking her about the weather and poof! My dick just inside her."Either your friend suffers from black-outs or he's a shitty friend. I wouldn't keep in contact with him anymore. Or her, for that matter

Wizardo 33

His rationalisation is that he only put it in this l______o.o______l much, so it doesn't really count and it 'just happened'.