FML for mobile
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By Anon - 07/05/2011 06:08 - United Kingdom

Today, having turned 18, I was eager to show my mother some of the clothes I'd like to purchase with my birthday money. I flipped my laptop open only to realise I had left a "Big Latina Booty gets a fat one" window open. Her howling screams of pleasure echoed through my kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 527
You deserved it 62 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've been like "I want that for my b-day, too".


riceicle1 6

I don't think she was sucking...

"Lets get things straight here we're talking about some D's in some A's." -Dirty mike and the boys

Rofl 29, "We got a jar of old mustard, and a poodle and we're gonna put some Ds in some As." The Other Guys is awesome.

zendaddy0 0

wow you REALLY need to improve the wording on this

zendaddy0 0

wow you REALLY need to improve the wording on this

xalerion 0

sirin, how would I go about asking a mod a question from an iPod touch because I tried to find a way and couldn't. I don't have access to a comp and I was wondering how long after a fml has been posted the ability to comment on it is lost or, if it is not time related, for what reasons

You can send me a PM via the website, or if you like, you can send an email to

PurpleRae420 0

WOOOOOW YDI for that after you watch **** DELETE THE WINDOW AAAAAND YOUR HISTORY DUH lol your fault you deserved that and on your birthday too that makes it even more funny

Lmao for a minute I read the FML and thought OPs mum was the one howling out in pleasure, I was like wtf? o.o

haha I did that once, and the situation was really awkward :(

it's legal tho ur 18 she ain't got nothin on you

thats what i was gonna ask him. LOL. Because if my son did a did a dumbass thing like this i would be laugjing so harx

That's embarrassing! Hahaha. I always open my laptop before showing someone something, just in case I left when I was stalking someone in Facebook haha (admit it, you all do it!).

My cat's breath smells like cat food. - Ralph Wiggum

jennifer93 0

why did you put a pile of crap beside your comment? omg i have symbols too :p 

SoccerBitch113 0

cuz it was called "latina BOOTY" what else comes out of your "Booty"??

93- his name is mr hankee and I do too! 


MatthewDmerrill 5

45 - "I ated the purple berries....they taste like burning."

igotnolegs 1

"howling screams of pleasure" - classic stuff :D

chickunkey 0
Cereal_Is_Good 5

Dicks come OUT of your ass? Stop eating whatever you've been eating.

ImaWiseGuy 5

hopefully your mom didn't buy you Latin booty pornos after that...

EverybodyHatesCh 0

lol imagine that!!! -mon: sooo... that's what you want?? hmm?? (*goes to store and buys big Latina booty DVDs*)

hahaha, my stomach hurts I been having like a mofo.

hisgirlherboy 5

no stupid it's a boy! boys can get clothes to how els would they not be naked?

Girls watch ****, they just don't have balls to admit to it.

ImInHawaiiBITCH 0

don happy birthday, that birthday money is now going for an all boys college!!!!! lol

Death1000127b 6

You should've been like "I want that for my b-day, too".

carolinaliar16 0
jbluebird923 0

this is probably the awkward(est) FML I've ever read

Ow great, now there is an app right there to 'increase sexual desire'. Brilliant. So, OP, you are a guy and you show your mother the clothes you want to buy? Well, it's something different than games or booze, I guess. Nothing wrong with being a fashionfreak. But YTDI for not closing your ****. It's also so damn funny that you think her screams were of pleasure. I bet you're the kind of guy who would not notice it if his girlfriend was completely faking her moans and orgasms.

uh pretty sure the howling screams of pleasure were from the **** and not his mom.

Oh come on, comprehensive reading is not that difficult. Where do you read that the screams were of his mom? Not in my comment, that's for sure. But, to make sure you would understand, I will rephrase it: 'It's also so damn funny that you think the pornstar's screams were of pleasure. I bet you're the kind of guy who would not notice it if his girlfriend was completely faking her moans and orgasms.'

Faked or not, it's still meant to be a scream of pleasure. What kind of **** do you watch where people scream of pain? Chill out, kid.

BDSM, sadistic masochistic. Pain, nom nom.

'Faked or not, it's still meant to be a scream of pleasure. What kind of **** do you watch where people scream of pain? Chill out, kid.' You said it yourself, it is meant (!) to be a scream of pleasure. It's been a while, but if I watch ****, the first thing I check is the look in the eyes of the woman. You can scream 'of pleasure' while being totally bored. I have also hear pornstars scream 'of pleasure' whilst having anal sex. Faking pleasure does not count as being pleasured. And to me, it seems that OP isn't aware of that.

denbeste 3

DjPee is beating everyone. Keep it up.

jeez, OP was just trying to make the FML a little bit more funny and well described. No need to go analyse and bust every word.

#48 You spelt his Djeepee wrong, be careful he will probably bash you for that as well.

59, you got her gender wrong, run while you can. DjeePee, I found your comments amusing, please do continue. :P

ya, we still haven't established whether OP is male or female, does anyone know?

sematariux 7

I don't see why you gotta bust ops balls so bad

Whoa whoa, you think I'm a guy? That's so cool! Now I only need to find someone who can made me a sammich... I realised a couple of minutes ago that maybe I was acting too serious. So, sorry guys, I didn't meant to start a flamewar, or a cripple fight. Glad that some of you enjoyed my comments, but I will silently disappear from this FML. Here are my last words: number 75, scroll to the FML and read the gender. You can establish it yourself.

I think he meant the Latino girls screaming haha. Either way this sucks

"You said it yourself, it is meant (!) to be a scream of pleasure. It's been a while, but if I watch ****, the first thing I check is the look in the eyes of the woman. You can scream 'of pleasure' while being totally bored. I have also hear pornstars scream 'of pleasure' whilst having anal sex. Faking pleasure does not count as being pleasured. And to me, it seems that OP isn't aware of that." 43, that's the first thing i do watch when i watch **** too. i just look in their eyes to see if they're enjoying themselves... lollllllll

jackiemoonthepro 5

haha, 56, you said anal and bust:p..

hahafylop 4

Dang 193, I was seriously just about to say that!

coulda been worse. it coulda been two dudes