By OopsKid - 30/05/2011 18:14 - France

Today, I accidentally said, "Yes, Sir." to my female teacher. I then apologized by saying, "Sorry, Sir." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 317
You deserved it 16 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

That is not as embarrassing as when you accidently call your teacher dad or mom


Haha!! Sounds like something I'd say just to bug them. It wouldn't be an accident.

OhReallyNow2000 6

That sucks... I bet you were her favorite student for the rest of the year....fyl

There's a TV show I watch where the female police captain likes to be addressed as sir. It could just be that the word "sir" is seemed as more respectful and authoritative than ma'am.

In the military (and yea, I guess police count) you're supposed to call a superior officer "sir" regardless of their gender. Reminds me of Star Trek Voyager though, where Captain Janeway is like; "I hate that shit, I'm a woman, you can call me Ma'am"

You're thinking the TV show "Castle".