By Anonymous - 14/01/2011 09:26 - United States

Today, I acted like I always do when I'm alone in my seemingly sound-proof apartment. I sang loudly, talked back to the TV, used my vibrator. Later, in the silence of the night, I heard my neighbor next door YAWNING. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 761
You deserved it 35 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha wonder how long you've lived there...

What gave you the idea that it was sound proof? The lack of complaints? Maybe the yawn was a sign that you need to spice up the vibrator show, just saying.


Drummer_duck 0

you always use your vibrator when you're alone?

xShannonxSammyx 7

Stop being an oblivious, obnoxious bitch then. Problem solved.

skyeyez9 24

Do you sound like a barking seal when you ******? 

starfuryt550 3

hahaha you're awesome. call me, I have $5 with your name on it

note to your obviously thick head. have you ever been in a seemingly sound proof apartment? cause I sure as he'll have not. ydi, especially for the vibrator. get a job, life and boyfriend.

chokolatecandie1 6

haha i guess it WAS sound proof after all.....

sadaffy 0

hahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhhhahahhahahahhhahahhahahahhqhqhqhhahahahhahahhhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhhaFAIL ,lol, I can't stop laughing :D

Confruzzled 10

there's no such thing as a sound-proof apartment if the rent isnt ridiculously high.

You could have left the vibrater part out. 0___o

hahaha!! I just realized that about my apartment last week! No more crazy sex parties!