By Anonymous - 14/01/2011 09:26 - United States

Today, I acted like I always do when I'm alone in my seemingly sound-proof apartment. I sang loudly, talked back to the TV, used my vibrator. Later, in the silence of the night, I heard my neighbor next door YAWNING. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 765
You deserved it 35 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha wonder how long you've lived there...

What gave you the idea that it was sound proof? The lack of complaints? Maybe the yawn was a sign that you need to spice up the vibrator show, just saying.


sourgirl101 28

It's a good thing your neighbor wasn't home when you were doing all that or you would have heard them too. No harm! or maybe the sound proof is one sided. Example: I can hear noises coming from my bedroom's bath room but can't hear a thing when I'm in there.

RedPillSucks 31

The worse part about it is that this was your neighbor across the alley where you both share a window view. He got a good view of you shagging the rug and he still yawned. Your back door neighbor, however, appears to be very interested.

Eh it's an apartment. People living in apartments are used to hearing other neighbors. It just comes with the territory. I'm used to hearing my upstairs neighbors have sex (the old neighbors were loud as hell, the new ones are not, but I can still hear them) and all of my neighbors are used to me putting on music and singing like hell (no, I don't BLAST my music, but I don't put it on a whisper either).

MrChocolateburri 0

haha! you are a ******* dumbass! lmfao!

What would give you even the slightest inkling that your apartment is soundproof? Ydi and you are pretty dumb..

Since when are apartments completely soundproof? The vibrator thing doesn't bother me at all, but singing loudly and talking back to the t.v.? Are the ******* kidding me? YDI for being obnoxious and a terrible neighbor.

IneffableLullaby 13

You deserve it for believing your apartment is sound-proof. Idiot.

SeaNDouble 1

more like F ur neighbors life... singing loudly and nonstop chatter to ur tv? sounds annoying to me.

sublimetime614 0

this is what living alone does to people

Just from reading your biography, looking at your picture, and just reading this comment, makes me wonder why god created such assholes like you.