By prettybich - 15/05/2010 18:01 - United States

Today, I'm severely hungover. Upon returning home, I came to find that both of the elevators were out of order. I live on the 12th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 222
You deserved it 36 435

Same thing different taste


special_Tay 0

yes definately walk of shame. boohoo for the man who insists on drinking alcohol!

All u saying "ydi" have never been hangover obviously. OP: i feel ya

woopsy 0

beer is bad. ur stupid for drinking . ydi

DippinUrDots 0

Would you like some wahhhmburgers and french cries?

hahaha sux 4 uuuuu!!!!!!

Tsuki1 0

16 doesn't know how to read.

booo hoooooo hooooo sick it ip bitch and walk.... I went yo work with a hangover and survived 10 he's worth of work so pussy up or grow some. balls. pull a Gaga and do both:-) bitch

why does everyone say ydi just cuz they got drunk? like noone else has ever done it...