By hatemyjob - 23/04/2013 18:25 - United Kingdom - Colchester

Today, I answered a call at work from a very irate gentleman. After being shouted and sworn at profusely, I ended the call in a slightly less than civil manner. Turns out that guy is one of our company's biggest clients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 084
You deserved it 43 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whenever you're at work, you should always be polite or make it a habit to not be rude.


**** the company, who cares if he's a big client, you don't deserve to be treated like shit over it.

RuskiManBearPig 4

Which speaks louder? Morals or money?

c4rpi0 20

After they told you they were one of the biggest clients did they follow it by saying you're fired?

Take shit from nobody! If you're right, your boss should back you up! I'm a boss, and if people disrespect my employees, I have them escorted out by security! There's plenty of business out there that will be respectful!

muffinkitty 15

I work with people all the time as a waitress and although at times I would love to tell them where to shove it, my job and my source of income is more important to me then telling someone off. If you do that and you get fired as a result, the instigator will probably only get more pleasure.

If you hate your job get out. Management will never back you up. I have seen manager watch an incident for extended time then fire the employee for being rude.

Oh, you "ended the call in a slightly less than civil manner", did you? Translation: "Feck off, you bloody tosser! *click*"

You have to act professional at all times. Your job depends on it. Nobody likes taking garbage from strangers but sometimes it's necessary.