By hatemyjob - 23/04/2013 18:25 - United Kingdom - Colchester

Today, I answered a call at work from a very irate gentleman. After being shouted and sworn at profusely, I ended the call in a slightly less than civil manner. Turns out that guy is one of our company's biggest clients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 084
You deserved it 43 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whenever you're at work, you should always be polite or make it a habit to not be rude.


NagainaFier 16

Oh gosh, OP; while not exactly, I know the feels of dealing with irate customers :/ sometimes they just wake up in a bad mood- hard as it is, just gotta smile and nod sometimes.

bieberfuldubstep 4

Screw him. Big clients should be respectful too.

Unfortunately, that's not usually how the real world works. If OP doesn't learn to control his temper, he'll be out of a job soon if he isn't already.

Something tells me that this was a test...

finch01 18

it would be funny if you made you take classes on how to answer the phone

Hopefully for you, your lack of professionalism won't cost you your job. Even if this was the smallest of clients, its your duty to be professional. Even when the person on the other end of the phone isn't. As a business owner I train my employees how I expect them to handle calls like this one. I will terminate an employee if they don't maintain a standard of professionalism. If my employees get an irate call and are being mistreated, they know I will handle it in an appropriate manner. I don't allow my employees to be abused by a client but I also won't tolerate my people mishandling a situation like this.

If you hated your job, why didn't you f*cking quitted it earlier???

Because it's sooo easy to find a job in today's economy. ;presses the sarcasm button;

semdrc3 6

"Slightly less"... Somehow I don't think that's the case.