By hatemyjob - 23/04/2013 18:25 - United Kingdom - Colchester

Today, I answered a call at work from a very irate gentleman. After being shouted and sworn at profusely, I ended the call in a slightly less than civil manner. Turns out that guy is one of our company's biggest clients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 084
You deserved it 43 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whenever you're at work, you should always be polite or make it a habit to not be rude.


Work at a call center. You get no sympathy until then

Ydi. If I can take a screaming at as I am walking out the door to get married then so can you! You are paid to provide customer service get over yourself.

Its sad to say that because he brings in the money he can get away with treating people like shit, so if your boss find out you can get fired... it sucks but that is the world we live in.

tehdarkness 21

This customer service bs is getting out of control. You are human and shouldn't have to put up with that just because your corporation wants the business.

Here here. As a customer service guy myself, if I get harasses I ask them to stop, if they don't I tell them to call back once they have calmed down and hang up on them. At my old job had to do that face to face with people, that was fun... Security and the police are your best friends at that point.

sohigh10 34

Wow.. And these are the people that call YDI when someone doesn't stand up for them self. Hypocrites.

Its not OP's fault so whats up with all the YDI's? Srsly, don't matter if it's a big client, just because they're the clients and you're the worker it doesn't give them the right to cuss and yess at you

if they swear at you I am pretty sure you can politely end the call... there is a point that it becomes verbal assault/ abuse. thus even if you can't press charges due to not knowing the person you can end the call or send them to a manager. customer service is ALL about dealing with assholes, and people will say ydi for losing your cool... so just be polite end the call or send them to a supervisor to deal with.