By Anonymous - 13/09/2011 06:05 - United States

Today, I apologized to the cat for walking into the laundry room while he was using the litter box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 011
You deserved it 10 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pichan_fml 11

And so you should have, it's common courtesy hahah, I do that to my cats too.


fifianator 0

You probably died laughing all by yourself when you did this huh?

My cat goes outside but when i take my dog out, i turn away.

thiscrazything 1

Aww that poor kitty. He just can't get any privacy to do his business. haha

mrmerino 0
krunkadunk 0

OP, there's really nothing wrong with this...

Pshhh, my cat will only go do his business WHEN I'm in the laundry room. -_-

My cat walks in on me all the time and he never apologizes to me :)

BAKER196 0

What are u supposed to do? Is it ur life sucks or u totally deserved it? Idk what to choose