By Anonymous - 02/06/2011 07:26 - United States

Today, I applied for a dental insurance that claims "you cannot be denied". I was denied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 947
You deserved it 3 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deadpool91 0

wow you must have some pretty bad teeth lol


avatar0810 15
AntoshaChekhonte 6

Cue furious, largely ignorant debate on socialized medicine in 5...4...3...2...

or just find another insurance company... suing seems over rated.

Insurance companies are lie machines

Deny'd. False advertising strikes again.

Maybe false advertising or OP has some freaky messed up teeth, who knows

If it isnt meth-could it be years of dip? Or just a lifelong aversion to toothpaste? Fyl cuz u screwed up your whole life if thought whatever nasty thing you were doing is ok..go to a dental school though and you might be able to get free or severely discounted care.

Bad teeth can be genetic. My mum and brother have always looked after their teeth whereas my dad and I never did any more than quickly brushing our teeth (I also eat a ton of sweets and when I was younger I never brushed mine at all). I have never had a single cavity, my dad got his first (and only) cavity at 51 years old but my mum and brother have mouths full of fillings.

hey no. 4 it's you lol jks funny pic from a funny movie :)

you STOL my picture dude! I had it first change yours!!!

haha wow they need to change that or remove it all together because I'm pretty sure saying you might be denied could lose some business