By aaannnddd there goes my boner - 28/11/2013 22:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I arrived at work six minutes late due to heavily congested traffic. This is just two days after my boss put out a memo saying that anyone who's late to work from then until the new year will have their holiday bonus pay forfeited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 211
You deserved it 8 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bahhumbug, what a Scrooge. Seriously though, you have a heartless boss.

I would think after a memo like that you'd think to take precautions to avoid this exact scenario. That said, your boss is an asshole.


Gotta leave earlier. My boss is the same way. This time of year there are tons of people out and they're idiots not paying attention.

crazydave1998 6

then start leaving slackers that show up at the last minute then cry when they end up late

I would've just gone home and called in sick if a bonus was at stake XD

Sounds like its worth a try! Just try to talk to him. I'm guessing you work retail and with it being Black Friday, I'm sure the area around your work was super crowded. He should understand.

It's not that I'm unsympathetic. But after years of being the only one to show up early for work, and covering for late coworkers, I've gotten pretty tired of the "ohmygod traffic!" excuse. Your boss is a dick, but you should always be early enough to still be on time, even with a minor setback.

middlenamefrank 8

Okay....every once in a while, there is traffic. It happens to all of us. So if you really, really need to be somewhere at a particular time, LEAVE THE HOUSE EARLIER!!!!!

sammieshortcake 15

You deserve it. Holidays are really busy and by being late you make your fellow employees late to lunches, breaks, or to get off work. Be more responsible.