
By letmeinplease - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I wasn't allowed to work from home, despite being ill enough to just take the day off anyway, all so there could be "someone to answer the phone." The phone didn't ring once all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 735
You deserved it 3 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Don't worry, you'll soon have all the time off you want when your singularly shitty company goes broke and shuts down. No calls -> no customers No customers -> no raison d'être

I'm with No_habla_espanol, if you don't want to read someone's complaints than you really shouldn't be coming to a site called FMyLife. The entire basis for the site is people complaining about something in their lives.


I spectate what you viewed him doing there.

I got hard from watching what you spectated number 1 saying.

^ Haha me too. But I jizzed myself as well...

i agree that i disagree with agreeing with you about agreeing with their disagreement. agree'd?

at least when you clocked in it didn't say not scheduled :)

I see what you did there. Nice cross FML reference.

Agiggleaday 0

I don't understand why we state the obvious.

cptmorgan15 2

Thank you giggle! I can't stand when people say "I see what you did there". It makes them look so dumb. WE ALL SAW WHAT HE DID THERE!!! For you to say that, you have to be extremely dumb or under the age of 13.

wow I would hate that if it happen to me! then probably laugh hahha

lilgirly89102 0

easy money. shut up with your complaining.

No_habla_espanol 11

Shut up with your pointless negativity. People come here to complain obviously - hence the name of the site "fmylife"

I'm with No_habla_espanol, if you don't want to read someone's complaints than you really shouldn't be coming to a site called FMyLife. The entire basis for the site is people complaining about something in their lives.

lilgirly89102 0

complaining that they sat around all day and got paid. is not and fml

It is when you consider that s/he could have been at home sleeping to help themselves get better. I know when I'm really sick that I get really tired and having to force myself to stay awake all day at work would not only suck, but cause me to leave sicker than I was before I came in.

If you were ill enough to stay home, you should have then.

agreed. if you are sick take the day off. Don't work from home or in the office

perdix 29

Don't worry, you'll soon have all the time off you want when your singularly shitty company goes broke and shuts down. No calls -> no customers No customers -> no raison d'être

so you got paid to rest while you are sick... i dont get the fml. i guess you werent that sick if you still had the energy to get to work

Anaxes 5

Yeah, because being sick means you're confined to your bed.

How much energy does it really take to get to and from work if you drive an automatic car? I mean there is a bit of mental focus needed but it's really not that draining to sit in your vehicle, drive to work, park, get out, go into work, and sit at desk. These are all things that could still be accomplished if you were vomiting every twenty minutes and running a fever of 101F. It wouldn't be fun, but it could still be done.

cptmorgan15 2

I agree it can be mentally exhausting, but I don't see how driving (regardless of where you live) can be physically exhausting. I have never strained myself physically while driving, and I drive a manual.