By aaannnddd there goes my boner - 28/11/2013 22:03 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
Yeah, Mike
By considering murder - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Huntington Beach
Taking the piss
By Mug - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
Running late
By SMV - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - France
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff - United States - Stamford
Early warning
By Hreyes - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By tee - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Kansas City
So that's a no, right?
By SadMan - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
Piss off
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Sandown
How is that a reason?
By now sharing the blessing - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff - United States - New York
By letmeinplease - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
Top comments
Bahhumbug, what a Scrooge. Seriously though, you have a heartless boss.
Holiday bonus pay is supposed to be paid by law. The boss has no say in that. At least where I live.
23- There is no way holiday bonuses are mandatory and had to be paid by employers. Then is not really a bonus
Where do you live #23? Looks like it's time to move.
Greenland #35 I heard it's not very green though...
if you work holidays you should be compensated with more than what you normally get paid.... duh. the term "holiday" is synonymous with "vacation".
At the retail store I work if someone's late more than 10 minutes our manager just jokes that he/she got hit by a bus or is late for some other funny reason and we laugh. No real issue though, even for 10+ minutes lates every rare occasion. People **** up or get screwed, it happens. I guess I got lucky with cool people at work.
I want to move to Greenland now
As far as I know bonus pay isn't mandatory, smart as an employer to do, but not mandatory by law. There are so many holidays, it would mean bonus pay on almost 30 days. I am not sure I would work on a holiday unless it was worth my wild.
Iknowiwantyou... That's not a holiday bonus it's called extra pay for working on holidays, you usually get time and a half or double pay. A Christmas bonus is money randomly given by employers, not for time spent working.
If the bonus pay is previously agreed upon it is mandatory for the boss to pay it as long as you hold your end of the agreement. If there is an agreement, the "bonus" serves as an incentive for you to do something e.g. work during a holiday. If your boss says that he will pay you an extra $X as a bonus for working on the holiday, and then you work the holiday, he can't change the contract you have about it and say "I'm not gonna pay it anymore because you were late today." It all depends on whether or not there was an agreement, and what the agreement said. Regarding what 52 said (just saw that after I posted - hence the edit) I think maybe different companies and different areas use different terminology. Maybe some would call it a bonus, some would call it an incentive.
That is when you get down on your knees and beg.
Money or pride, **** pride when you can use that money to buy a ps4 :)
@#2 Why would you want to keep your job at a place like that? I say quit, good riddance, and onto the next one.
It's hard to find a job nowadays, much less in your field, assuming the OP went to college and therefore has a job in an office.
17: It's not like good paying jobs are in surplus and super easy to find. If it's a well paying job that's not a legitimate reason to quit
@#19/@#20 Yeah you're right. That's true. I guess I tend to assume everybody is like me and works at a restaurant/is still a student. Small jobs are easy to replace where I'm from. Nevermind. Don't stop your career OP just for a bonus pay.
22, we're Canadian, the economy crisis doesn't hit us that badly ;p
24- Not necessarily true. It's hard for university graduates to find a job quickly nowadays. Hopefully, it will improve in couple of years when I graduate.
27; of course it affects us, but not as bad as in the US
31 - obviously, they created it with their sub loan mortgages which lead to people defaulting on their loans. We got stuck because we rely heavily on them for our exports.
Pardon me for interrupting this fascinating conversation, but OP lives in the UK. Your point, if you had one, is moot.
@#46 The fascinating conversation had nothing to do with OP. It was catalyzed by my statement that small jobs were easy to replace in Canada, to which 24 replied that's because the crisis didn't hit Canada as hard as the US. It was completely relevant, not to OP, but to the circumstance.
not like you were extremely late, or that it was your fault, hopefully your boss would understand
That sucks OP. Try explaining that it was due to traffic, and maybe he will understand. If not, well than **** him. (No pun intended)
I'm surprised he can legally do that. I guess it's because it's a bonus makes it not guaranteed. Sorry OP
Have all of your coworkers rally against him with you and overthrow the evil boss!!!
#51: Evil, but effective.
That sucks and I hope he doesn't follow through over six lousy minutes. But seriously, from now on, aim for 15mon early to avoid the risk.
I live in a large city, and I never know if my commute will be fifteen minutes or ninety minutes for the same route. Even having a target time doesn't work. All I can do is hope and pray there weren't any problems on the road.
This can be your motivation to leave for work a bit sooner!
well your ******

Bahhumbug, what a Scrooge. Seriously though, you have a heartless boss.
I would think after a memo like that you'd think to take precautions to avoid this exact scenario. That said, your boss is an asshole.