By davey d - 15/03/2012 16:13 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked a co-worker if he'd cover for me while I slipped out to cash some money at the bank. When I got back, I found out that when he said "yeah, sure" he actually meant "yeah, sure, I'll tell the boss and get your dumb arse suspended". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 996
You deserved it 13 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Snitches get stitches! But it was foolish of you to risk getting in trouble with your boss to begin with.

Ydi. If you're at work, you're at work unless you've ok'd it with your boss.. Doesn't seem that difficult...

Well, you really shouldn't have been trying to sneak out in the first place. It's your job, you get payed to be there, so you should, ya know.. BE THERE.

Aw sucks for you your co-worker is obviously an arse and not a team player

bethanael 13

Do your job and you wont get in trouble.

zebralover23 14

you could of went on your lunch break or even after your job, why did you have to do that in the middle?