By davey d - 15/03/2012 16:13 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked a co-worker if he'd cover for me while I slipped out to cash some money at the bank. When I got back, I found out that when he said "yeah, sure" he actually meant "yeah, sure, I'll tell the boss and get your dumb arse suspended". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 996
You deserved it 13 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bestiebabes_jes 0

What an asshole! I would say you should get him back and report him for some indiscretion when the opportunity arises, but then that would probably just start a petty reporting feud. I suggest you just avoid this guy as much as possible and don't do him any favors or trust him with anything. He's clearly out to get you if he reported you for something like that.

PicklesMcRaptor 0

I personally think you should get a new friend

When your at work that is when you work...not slip out to run errands while still being paid.

Depends... Where I work we can slip out to do things, as long as at least someone is in the office and we make sure to stay longer.

I'd chastise you for being a dumbass, but it seems you've already learned your lesson. Well played.

Get them suspended for lying and contributing to a hostile work environment.

U cant trust any one most people at work places are snitches