By davey d - 15/03/2012 16:13 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked a co-worker if he'd cover for me while I slipped out to cash some money at the bank. When I got back, I found out that when he said "yeah, sure" he actually meant "yeah, sure, I'll tell the boss and get your dumb arse suspended". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 996
You deserved it 13 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I might as well be delusional, but I really can't find another meaning for "yea, sure" than a positive response.

geekstinkbreath 9

Maybe you shouldn't "slip out" while you're on the job. Your ass could be replaced in an instant in this economy.

How exactly does one "cash some money?"

By putting the cash in their bank accounts, dumbasses. Try getting out more and learn some Brit's English.

McNerdyNerd 8

Yeah that's right. Get mad at someone else because you're too irresponsible to stay and actually work at your job. That makes sense.

I am actually shocked that more people are angry at the coworker than OP for leaving his place of employment and running a personal errand, on the clock.

PistolWhiper93 0

Hmm... it seems u must rethink who they trust no?