By alanh69 - 26/08/2014 19:12 - United States - Woodward

Today, I asked my dad to give me a haircut. After 20 minutes of "fuck"s and "shit"s, he gave up and just shaved my head bald. I pull off the look so badly that two people I don't even know have already told me I look like a psychopath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 313
You deserved it 6 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well uh next time you should let someone else do it instead of your father.

xXToxicPenguinXx 12

After 20 seconds of "*****" and "*****" i would have gone to my mom and asked her to take me somewhere for that. That's a sign something is going wrong. Sorry about your hair OP


unless your Dad is a barber, which he wasn't,Why Did u ask him to cut it? YDI OP!

The two people you don't even know are pretty courageous to address a psycho !

Ok, I'm sorry, but unless your dad's a barber or something, you totally deserve it! Why would you ask your dad of all people?

My dad always cut our hair to save money. He's a farm boy, not a barber, and he always did an amazing job on my hair and my brothers. He's also one of the very few people I know who can braid hair so it's perfectly even.

And that's why you just spend the $20 and go get it done by a professional.

Better yet, ask your Dad to give you money for the barber.

What's the difference between a good haircut and a bad one? Three days. Hair grows back, you'll be good. Just maybe stay inside so you don't continue to be confused for a psychopath.

I'm sure you don't look like a psychopath. But maybe ask a girl or your mom to cut your hair instead, they're a bit more delicate I think when it comes to something like that.

Criminallylnsane 13

You should've responded: "I have cancer"

Could be could look like you're on chemo...