By WtfDidIPayYouForThen - 02/06/2013 10:53 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I asked my dermatologist why my acne has been getting worse, despite following her directions and spending hundreds of dollars on medicine. She just shrugged and told me they can't actually cure my acne. However, they can prescribe me a bunch of stuff and hope one works. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 228
You deserved it 5 559

Same thing different taste

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Unfortunately that's the way some medical conditions work. We don't really understand them well, so our best hope is to throw the kitchen sink at them and hope something works. Now if only there were a prescription to cure stupidity.


I would strongly recommend accutane it's a very powerful drug so u have to get blood tests and doctor check ups every month for 5 straight, and it may seem expensive at first but honestly it seems cheap compared to all the products u would continue to buy but I have had 4 other friends try this product all with bad acne like I had & they have all has successful results. i tried it 3 years ago and i still have no acne only occasional breakouts. i wish someone would have told me about it earlier once i found it! seriously so worth it!! And it wouldn't hurt to at least get more details on it to see if this would be an option for u (: I hope this helps!!

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I hear you OP. I've tried pretty much everything except for Accutane (because diabetes runs in my family, so they won't let me take it). I guess we're both in the same situation. I hope it gets better for you. :/ By the way, it could possibly be a staph infection on your face... I haven't asked my dermatologist this yet, but if you google it you can find some stories of people who say they actually had a staph infection the entire time, or sometimes it was both acne and a staph infection and since certain staph infections can look just like acne, it's pretty easy to miss. Imagine that, years and years of using all this crap to find out it's a staph infection... It might not be, but I'll be asking my dermatologist next time just in case. Good luck OP.

jenshu 5


sdahl1113 4

Nothing worked for me, either. Then I started taking omega-3 supplements when I became vegetarian, and it made a big difference after about a month. I recently started using a face wash with tea tree oil (I got it as a gift; it's usually somewhat expensive), and that also seemed to help since tea tree oil is naturally antibacterial. Neither of these changes were made to help my complexion, but they both had surprisingly good results. I don't use any other products and my face looks better than it has in years. By the way, I made an account just to post this.

This is going to sound disgusting but try egg yoke. Rub it on and leave it for ten minutes. Do not put it in your eyes, mouth or nose. Wash it off and repeat for three times a week for two weeks. Tada! Seriously it works.

Welcome to the world of Adhd. here's some medication, let's hope it doesnt f*** u up more.

roxyelizabeth 3

Try calamine lotion or toothpaste. They both work really well to dry out & shrink the pimple. I paid hundreds for pills & meds that were horrible and made it worse. Now after using the calamine lotion I hardly have any.