By WtfDidIPayYouForThen - 02/06/2013 10:53 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I asked my dermatologist why my acne has been getting worse, despite following her directions and spending hundreds of dollars on medicine. She just shrugged and told me they can't actually cure my acne. However, they can prescribe me a bunch of stuff and hope one works. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 228
You deserved it 5 559

Same thing different taste

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Unfortunately that's the way some medical conditions work. We don't really understand them well, so our best hope is to throw the kitchen sink at them and hope something works. Now if only there were a prescription to cure stupidity.


avapaige1234 19

Well at least if anything goes wrong, you know who to sue.

Accutane will save your life. I am currently using it. They well warn you about your kidneys but I take blood tests every month and I'm as healthy as can be. It cleared me up so wellq

DorkAlert 10

Go to a store and just buy acne stuff there. That would work or not work but it will at least not rape your wallet

Same here, except for the fact that I've let the acne go away by itself without "treatment". It seems to work..

rosehip oil, and learn lymphatic drainage, Twice a day! no more. also exercise and stop eating microwaved bacon and cheese. lol... dr's are noobs.

that is actually all dermatologists reakky do if you have an acne issue. i tried 2 different creams until finally found that worked for me, it is called tretinoin. it took me 3 months to actually see the result.

dodzin 9

Time for a second medical opinion....

Both of my son's ache cleared up completely when I took them off all dairy. No milk no cheese no yogurt.

"Anti-acne" product are raw shit, stop taking those, just wash your face often, avoid touching it for nothing and don't drink too much coca cola, most of da prob solved.