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By satega - 17/11/2012 09:15 - United States - Smithville

Today, I asked my manager if wearing makeup was a requirement for the job. She told me, "Not if you're naturally pretty... So for you, yes". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 161
You deserved it 3 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamabamf 17

You should've asked her if being naturally bitchy was a requirement. Cause if it was, she nailed it.

Ouch. Should've said "oh so you have to wear it too then, yes?"


m139307 0

here is some ice for your burn :)

this is only okay if you work as a hooker

ShannonBitt 29

Am I the only one wondering what job this was for?

You could have said, well you must be wearing a TON of makeup

What a jerk, maybe you should try to be less ugly.

Do you work for some kind of high end store?

Why would you ask that?! You do what you want anyway. It's not like you're a model or anything. You still have to look decent though and take care of yourself in order to look professional. I don't what else you could expect from a stupid question than a stupid answer.

afairshake 8

Where do you work so I don't ever end up there? That was a horrible thing to say to you whether joking or serious. Sorry you got insulted that way I'd report them to whoever is above them they should take action. You know when we've got kids killing themselves because bullies and jack asses tell them things like that you'd think we'd step away from it. Whoever has put you deserve it no you did not.

Completely unacceptable requirement- make-up is a personal choice.