By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 13:04 - United States

Today, I asked out one of the girls that hangs out in my group of friends (the same group I have been hanging out for three years). She stared at me for a couple of seconds, then said, "Who the hell are you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 032
You deserved it 4 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take that as a no.. and move on. obviously you never talk to this girl. and that needs to be there before a relationship


Ahh, gotta love high school and "groups".

baysidebird88 0

ouch thats cold. if you're in high school most of that 'group of friends' probably won't last through college

kind of FYL. Maybe you just need to display more of a personality when with your friends.

Yeah. Be more outgoing in your group.

jasmine1259 2
kellster 2

How big is that friends group?? Either she's unobservant or totally rude, in which case, **** HER life, not yours, or else it's a really huge group and you haven't made enough of an effort to get her attention before actually making a move. You have to do it in stages, buddy!

that_one_dude 0

Dude, she's not worth it then.

melzilla 0

either this is bullshit or you are really uninteresting

Well... Who the hell ARE you? Jeez answer the question.

#20: Hey genius, ever heard of "don't end a sentence with a preposition"? You don't ask a girl out; you "ask out a girl". As weird as it sounds, it's more appropriate.