By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 13:04 - United States

Today, I asked out one of the girls that hangs out in my group of friends (the same group I have been hanging out for three years). She stared at me for a couple of seconds, then said, "Who the hell are you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 032
You deserved it 4 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take that as a no.. and move on. obviously you never talk to this girl. and that needs to be there before a relationship


LOL YDI. u had 3 years to get ur game on.. you've probably wasted that time, and didnt even take the risk to get to know her, and suddenly out of no where u ask her out... GG PWNED

jrl585 0

shes add dude give up because i got the same reaction from a girl you ive havent talk to in two months so dont feel bad

trapiadora 0

Be happy who wants to be with a bitch like that.

Um... YDI for letting 3 years go by, and not being even slightly interesting during those 3 years to be noticed. Also, YDI for mindlessly asking a friend out. After 3 years you may want to consider the consequences of that before you act. FML though for not realising this yourself.

Trebie 6

Even if she had never seen him before in his life, she still could have been more polite about it. I remember one time I got asked out by some random stranger at a gas station (for the 3rd time that week; seriously, why do some guys think a gas station is a good place to pick up women???) and he didn't bother even introducing himself or anything. Just drove up and blurted out "Would you like to go out sometime?" I was startled and had to take a few seconds of surprise to even reply, but even then I was still able to be polite. This chick should have recognized him as a friend of a friend at the very least (assuming he was, in fact, a member of the group). If she didn't want to go out with him, then she could have simply said no, thank you, but if she was potentially interested, there are about a million different ways to reply that would have been more favorable.

Ouch. But seriously it's a bad idea to go for ppl in ur social circle. It's suicide!

terrta_merrta 0

I'm Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider man!

Lonely4 0

Do they know you are "hanging out" with them? Or are you lonely and just sort of always hang out near them and never get the nerve to talk to them.....I'm guessing it is the second one.

You're a guy hanging out with a group that includes some girls, right? In that case, the same thing happened to a soft-of-friend (or so he would say) of mine. Except that he's a huge nerd, socially awkward, punches you when he can't think of anything to say (then laughs), points out that the people who made our school's year book and had a section for "Biggest Klutz" are not authorized to use Yiddish, corrects everyone every single time they say led instead of graphite, gets mad at you when you invite him last to anything, otherwise hangs out with fat chicks, seemingly deliberately dresses in terrible outfits (and he's not poor, I can tell you that), smiles at all times, laughs uncontrollably at anything remotely funny, nags people, pisses off the teachers in lame ways, has an extreme sexual attraction to penguins, digs his long nails into you and doesn't let go when you take something from him, insults people he's not afraid to insult (people like me) on their physical appearance, is a communist (he claims it's Marxism), corrects people at every slight mistake (especially when unnecessary), is probably a Nazi, and pisses everyone off by ranting about how awesome he is to the world by being an organ donor and having his parents drive a hybrid. I've said too much now, but I feel like continuing :D. He asked this girl out to this rather important dance over a Shakespearean poem. Yep, he was too afraid to ask her personally and set it on her desk. She later politely rejected him. Now she already had planned to go with friends to this dance, and I went with my date. He also went too, in his usual clothing. He decided that he wouldn't give up and asked her to dance right there. Another rejection. He asked her two more times and she finally said "not a chance." Ahh, funny times. The only not very funny part about that is he insists on "hanging out" with us during free times in the mornings (and more specifically, latches on to me, thinking I'm his gateway to having friends) as well as insisting on sitting next to the girl who rejected him every day during lunch.

craziix3sarahh 0

either you arent really in that group, or she meant it as "who the hell are you asking me out" either way, you're screwed ;]