By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 13:04 - United States

Today, I asked out one of the girls that hangs out in my group of friends (the same group I have been hanging out for three years). She stared at me for a couple of seconds, then said, "Who the hell are you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 028
You deserved it 4 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take that as a no.. and move on. obviously you never talk to this girl. and that needs to be there before a relationship



i'm eating a chicken sandwich.

ignorance1 0

Maybe she was just kidding? yeah like in a couple of years there's going to be an fml from you saying how you didn't push it

rachelbrianna25 0

maybe she is always high? that sucks. = ( ask out one her friends to make her jealous.

hold on... is the writer of the FML a guy o girl?

holden227 0

I'm a very soft-spoken individual. I don't talk much at all. But I do have a group of close friends, all of whom I love very much. We all know each other. If this is even remotely possible, there is one of a few explanations: 1) Female humans are the most inobservant creatures in the universe. I don't think that this is it. 2) This guy only thinks that he is part of "the group." 3) This group is insanely massive. If this is the case, this isn't really an FML.

is she blonde no offense to all u blondes out there