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By Anonymous - 15/12/2010 22:47 - United States

Today, I attended my son's Christmas concert. When I went to sit down in the last available seat, a woman said she was saving it for her husband. Having nowhere else to sit, I stood in the back, for an hour. The seat remained empty for the entire concert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 693
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could have returned to the seat halfway through the concert.

"Today me and my husband were supposed to see our challenged son finally get the role he dreamed of in his school's Christmas Concert. I got there I was supposed to save a seat for my husband. A lady asked to sit near me and I told her it was taken. She went and lingered at the back watching me. My husband never showed up because he got in an accident and now the lady is scowling at me. Fml"


ilikeyouuu 0

i think that was me. you just smelled really bad. better you stand for an hour that make me suffer, right?

dayday08 0

I woulda sat myself down, kicked my feet up, and said "Dammit this is America" Actually that would be pretty mean, I would've just said I'll sit here until he gets back

96-well hello I would look at her and hiss. and sit down.

fakeaccountX 6

Alert Santa! We have a new addition to the naughty list!

nikkiruth94 8

You could have returned to the seat halfway through the concert.

Imma have to agree with Freeze. Also, get there on time or early if you want good seats... YDI.

you should have just stayed in the seat and just stared at her until she went away

Freeze your picture is the best thing I've seen in a while.

O I C U 8 1 2? Ooooo, you understand what I typed 0.o I don't see the problem with shortening words, as long as I can understand what you're saying, its all cool and I crack open a nice Bud Lite, or... Pepsi Max, not 21 yet

nikkiruth94 8
frootietootie 0

well maybe her husbend never showed up!!! ever thought bout that? huh? well did ya?

abi96 0

"Today me and my husband were supposed to see our challenged son finally get the role he dreamed of in his school's Christmas Concert. I got there I was supposed to save a seat for my husband. A lady asked to sit near me and I told her it was taken. She went and lingered at the back watching me. My husband never showed up because he got in an accident and now the lady is scowling at me. Fml"

Nah 44 it's more likely "My husband got drunk and didn't turn up, i'm so embarrassed" if he was in an accident she would have gone over to her and said the seat was now free. Most likely that woman and her husband were dicks.

the_flirtt 0

Well, he calls himself the flirtt, and she is using a stock bikini chick picture. They seem made for each other, not that I can blame the isn't his fault a 52 year old fat, hairy, balding man sitting at a terminal in New Brunswick, New Jersey is coming on to him. So busted...

Both of their pictures are fake. Sounds like a good match.

FFML_314 11

Of course they're a good match. Stupid goes well with stupid. I mean, if you're going to hit on someone on this site, at least be original. KaySL, I want to hump your face off. See, that's better.

zp5 4

this is not a website to hit on people. its FMyLife, not eHarmony. KaySL, your comments are intriguing.

Wow, lots of assumptions going on in this conversation. This sounds like a four chan thread. Just a bunch of douche bags who can get no ******* pleasure in real life so they resort to insulting others online. Of course I expected no less from the fml brigade.

A new recruit of the brigade I see. I will not waste words with a lesser member. Bring me doc!

Boners, I lol'ed. Nycy, I don't have any idea what four chan is, but I've seen you around for a while now, and you know exactly what's up here. If you still don't like it, return to your four chan or find somewhere else to hang out.

Ah doc. The mastermind. The brigadier general. Okay, four chan (or 4chan) is a forum. It's a forum where all sorts of racism, sexism and general scum can be found. It's a place where grammar goes to die. Anyway, Doc I enjoy fml. I enjoy reading the comments. I find your comments (when you're not insulting people) rather amusing. It's just I don't like people who are mean just to be mean. I don't want this place to become another 4chan.

Hi KaySL I'm nycy. I find quite a few people have had some kind of sexual experience with you, and not all have been good. Or so I've heard. Anyway, Doc I hope you see my point and as for Boners, all i have to say Is capitalization. Do with that what you will.

nycy, you sound like a good person who doesn't judge people and say shit about them for saying "hello ;)".

Nycy, I would neither consider myself a mastermind nor a brigadier general. I am but a lowly foot soldier in the Grammar Nazi army. I leave the smart brain-like stuff up to KaySL, pendatik, FFML_314, and a few select others. I try not to insult people too often, but when people continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly, it riles me up and gets the insultative juices flowing. Or when someone insults an entire race, country, etc. If someone goes after my daughter, as has happened several times (who could insult a 4 year old??), he gets his testicles removed with a rusty spoon.

FFML_314 11

Don't worry, Doc. He's still trying to make his mark here. I bit off his head awhile ago. Unfortunately, he hasn't died yet. Who cares if we insult people for being idiots? If it's bothering you, then go grab a nice cozy blankey and get them a bottle.

Damn ffml you defianitly look like a future look about 11 in the pic too.

FFML_314 11

OH NO! I look about 11? If girls look that old when they're 11 around where you live, I am very concerned for all men there. This isn't something you actually want to get into again, is it? Didn't you get a big enough dosage of shame last time? BTW, I'm a creeper now. ;]

Ah the brigade swarm is here. Hello FFML, long time no see. Hope you've been well. And doc I understand all the points there. As for boner, I'm on an iPod bro.

FFML_314 11

Yes, I've been absent for quite some time, but I pop in once in awhile to give a quick 'hello.' Still trying to slay the Grammar Nazis, I see. How's that working for you?

It's going alright. I have gotten more members for the revolutionary army. I have moved on to helping those who don't seem able or willing to put up an argument. Or an effective one at least. How has life been for you?

haquai 0

106 your duckface is not attractive. the fact that your skin is orange isn't helping either, honey

FFML_314 11

You know me; I'm just living life, feeding on the souls of the weak. ;D

haquai 0

ffml, uh oh! 4bidden is defiant! You had better watch out before he lowers your I.Q.

why y'all pplz geteb alle agrwbve ans shid iz nor lice u gunna pup e cap in aechoder srses! yo

cabanaboyjuan 6
nikkiruth94 8

You're cute... Just saying(: ^^^

bedburgular 0

you must be really ugly or smell really bad

cheeseburgerriot 0

wow u ugly ass ******. das y girls dump jerks like u asshole.

JosieBongs 0

You should have sat there anyway. What would she have done? Spank you and take your birthday away?

QwertyMcNugget 0


i8shrooms 2

I would so totally **** punt that hooker.

filo22 0

haha...**** punt. learn something new everyday

bedburgular 0

yah you punt it like a football and watch it fly away

Oh, suck it the **** up, princess. "I had to stand for an hour, boo-hoo!"

You try carrying the extra 400 lbs of fat the op was carrying! it ain't easy! Bremen Keller was blind and deaf! Ten bucks says so is the op. blind and deaf people need up front seats to enjoy a concert! show some respect! also, why do you think she was late? clearly gangbanged and raped, so tubers waste like she could've got there early and got a decent seat! Dickwad.

SDI for being fat, and for masturbating while listening to her Ipod-device so loudly which together led to her being blind and deaf! And blind-and-deaf people do NOT need to be up front to enjoy a concert; they merely need to smell the farts and BO of the nearby audience members. As for being gangbanged and raped, she shouldn't have worn that dress! Stop allowing her to wallow in her victim-hood. She needs to suck it the **** up and move on!