By mateyouremental - 21/12/2012 20:48 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I baked some regular brownies for my friend. Just to mess with him, after he ate some, I said they had weed in them. He trashed my room in anger, and still won't believe me when I tell him that I didn't actually slip him any drugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 110
You deserved it 40 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make special brownies next time and when he feels the effects, tell him he's being ridiculous and break his TV.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Marijuana is serious business....mkay.


barefootchic 6

Wouldn't he calm down once he wasn't affected whatsoever?

carminecris89 13

That's pretty douchey. I think most people would be upset about someone slipping anything in food. He may have overreacted but you definitely deserve it.

Screw any of you weed fans who say "what is the problem with his friend" This guy deserves it 100%. If the guy went ballistic after being told there was weed in the brownies, he obviously did not want or like drugs. Some people completely and vehemently oppose drugs, I don't care if you like drugs, or if you think they are harmless, if someone else doesn't want them, don't joke about it. If I thought for even a moment that my friend spiked my food or beverage with weed or alcohol or any type of smoking product, I would totally flip out on them. I would destroy so much of theirs that they would understand just how pissed off I was about their betrayal. A persons mind and body consumption ideals is more important and valuable than anything OP's room could have stored. I don't care if he trashed a several thousand $ computer, you don't mess with someones mind I understand that a lot of people enjoy weed, and it makes them feel good, but a lot of people find smoke and weed and alcohol to be nasty, its worse than poisoning their food, i don't care if its hidden under lots of chocolate, it's not cool

Bullshit. If the OP had actually put weed in the brownies, sure, they deserved all the trashing. But after the friend trashed one item, OP must have told them they were joking. The friend is moronic/dramatic/an idiot for refusing to believe them after OP took back the joke and is a complete asshole for keeping trashing the place.

Helldemon 32

Lol, you would completely trash your friends stuff if you thought they did that or as a joke? Not even having proof or knowing for sure? I would hope if that happened your "friends" would trash a bat up against your head to knock some damn sense into you, take some anger management dude.

WrongRomance 11

I have to agree, I would be rather upset. If he lied once about putting weed in your brownie, who is to say he didn't lie about not putting weed in your brownie after seeing your reaction? There are consequences to weed consumption that I wouldn't want to face willingly, much less unwillingly. Perhaps OP is a notorious liar, no one knows. But, he should have thought about the repercussions of pulling the prank.

Obey_StudBoii 23
KM96 24

Well some would totally agree with this being an awesome prank, but others would think that there is nothing funny about joking about drugs.

BH1126 11

I would've been mad too, especially with a career where drug testing is possible every month. YDI you douche bag!

WrongRomance 11

What a rarity to hear of someone being upset about drug consumption. Kudos to your friend. Do you have the reputation that would make that believable?

I'd be so damn happy if I were him! I'd be asking for another batch!