By Anonymous - 03/09/2014 22:30 - United States - Phillipsburg

Today, I begged a coworker to let me borrow her lighter for my smoke break, since I'd lost mine. She was reluctant because of my track record of losing the darn things. After my break I stopped to use the restroom really quick, and promptly dropped the lighter into the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 050
You deserved it 36 180

Same thing different taste


stephers444 17

You should buy her a new one after that. It's the right thing to do

Unless it was autographed by someone cool, in which case, she's going fishing for it.

Go after it and pray it still works or buy them another one... Wind proof and waterproof are completely different if it's a zippo

you dont deserve the thumbs down. Smoking is a very bad habit that doesnt only affect the smoker. Smoking affects everyone around them. Nobody has the right to ruin other peoples lives just because they dont care about their own.

martin8337 35

Quit losing other people's stuff.

You make it sound like OP does this on purpose.

Get one that you can attach to a keychain

YDI for borrowing people's things when you know you lose things easily. I know its not necessarily your fault if you lose things... some people just have trouble remembering where they put stuff, or they just have trouble holding on to things. That's normal. But if you that that you're one of the people who does lose things easily, you shouldn't borrow other people's things and put their stuff in danger. If you lose your own things, that's your problem, but if you borrow stuff and break them, that's not okay. Sure, you can always replace them, but doing that takes time, and maybe the person's item had sentimental value. Everyone makes mistakes, but if you can't take care of people's things, just don't borrow.

DavidKnows 11

What DID she say when you returned? And why didn't you at least go after the lighter when you dropped it in the bowl ? You just said "F it" and flushed anyway???