By amber - 13/03/2010 09:03 - United States

Today, I bitched out my boyfriend for logging into my facebook account and deleting EVERY male (even family) off my friends list. He accused me of wanting to cheat on him and has forced me to say "sorry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 862
You deserved it 17 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jerseystreetking 0

he forced you to say sorry? do you have no free will or backbone? you deserve it. my ex did this to me and I dumped his ass right then. that's a bad sign and you should get out before anything else happens. controlling you is NOT healthy. wow


Adriana58 0

Get off the internet before he sees you out of the basement!

This is a sign of abuse... Dump him right away.

sourgirl101 28

Tell him you're SORRY for dating him in the first place. This is a sign. Things are not going to get any better if he has trust issue. You want people to feel like your life is ****** when you're the one still dating him? Idiot if you stay w/ him. Don't say no one told you so!

seabrook 7

he might be cheating on you, watch it. or just an insecure son

sounds like the abusive type hahaha leave dumbass

Indeed, this does suck, but OP makes it sound like the end of the world.

KurouTenshi 0

I wouldn't touch this one with a 35 and a half foot pole. I will, however, offer to beat an sodomize your boyfriend senseless with said pole. no lube, and all the way in. yeah.

KurouTenshi 0

really? I'm glad. it was hard to tell your honesty with all the ellipses. and if they help denote sarcasm, then please accept that you're next, except I'm going to add another 10 and a half feet.