By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 02:53 - United States - Dallas

Today, I blacked out at a wedding as a bridesmaid, during the service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 890
You deserved it 4 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better than doing so as a bride i imagine.

That, kids, is why you don't lock your knees.


These types of things happen when you have to stand in one position too long. It happens a lot when military men and women have to stand at attention too long. The advice is to flex your knees slightly, then this shouldn't happen.

ha ha that's nothing... in Feb. of this year I fainted at a wedding.... as the bride lol.. literly right when my husband said "in sickness and In health" o.O

wlddog 14

LoL Your suppose to give him a little more time than that to decide.

Did you lock your knees? When I got my prom dress altered I blacked out because I locked my knees.

It's true. Someone with the brains should've reminded everyone before the wedding to not lock their knees. It reduces your circulation and makes you likely to faint...

blackvyper 8

How is she an attention *****? I doubt OP fainted just for attention. Quit being a Dick.

Sorry OP, I feel your pain. I did the same thing at my grandma's wedding.

Aren't you supposed to wait until the reception?

Aww, I remember moderating this. When I saw it, I wondered what kind of witty comments people would post.... I am disappoint.

That's why you're not supposed to lock your knees when standing. It happens, you're not the first, nor the last.

TwiztedYuri 9

I do professional wedding photography with my cousin. in 2 years I've seen over 10 grooms, 20 brides, 20 bridesmaids, and 10ish groomsmen faint. out of about 200 weddings so your not the only one. it sucks that it happended but