By SenescentSouthernBoy - 17/08/2009 08:42 - United States

Today, I borrowed a roommate's car to get groceries. I came out to find the car stolen. I called the cops, and the responding officer took the info and drove me home to give the roomie the bad news in person. 15 minutes later, they found the car. I'd parked it on the opposite side of the lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 485
You deserved it 60 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lol major blonde moment I hope ur blonde

TourmentBook2 0

These comments are very unessacrly mean, grow up assholes he made a mistake and you don't even know him so leave him alone god man

Look between your legs. Yes that's a ****** not a penis. What looks like a penis is just an optical illusion

Lol TOO funny!!!! At least they found it!!!

Wow sounds like something my my mom would do.

Wow that's amazing! You don't see that amount of stupidity in one person very often