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By tbee - 06/09/2014 00:13 - United States - East Carondelet

Today, I bought a large ice cream cake. No, there's no occasion, but I did ask the cashier to write "Happy Birthday" on it, just so she wouldn't know I was going to eat it all myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 471
You deserved it 10 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just go to a public place with the cake, make some friends by sharing.


Just go to a public place with the cake, make some friends by sharing.

It's impossible not to make friends when you have cake.

If you give me ice cream cake I will be your friend!

incoherentrmblr 21

There's nothing wrong with eating a whole ice cream cake by yourself. Absolutely none...

datkid117 13

Who says op wants friends? I do the same thing sometimes. Cake is amazing.

I think the problem is that OP is fat enough to eat a cake by him/herself, not that he /she has no friends.

#56 where the hell did you get the idea that the point of this FML was that OP is fat? Quick assumption don't ya think? Nothing wrong with eating a whole cake.

I just used the wrong wording. What I meant to say is that OP did not want the cashier to know that he would be capable of eating an entire cake, not necessarily that the OP is fat.

But I don't understand why OP was so embarrassed that she felt the need to write "Happy Birthday" on the cake. Lots of people buy or make cakes just to eat. No need to feel ashamed OP, next time just go buy whatever cake you want.

RedPillSucks 31

Not generally to eat all by themselves

I'm not sure there is anything wrong with this either. In fact reading makes me want an ice cream cake. I haven't had one in a long time. Yes I probably will go out and buy one to eat by myself.

#28 your profile pic screw the crap out of me!

badluckalex 23

except that its extremely unhealthy

47, it's only unhealthy if OP eats it all at once. As someone already stated, it would be no different than someone making a batch of brownies, you don't eat it all in one sitting but you do eat it all.

#47, so is bacon, but that doesn't mean I will stop eating that food of the Gods.

shortvirgo13 7

My sentiments exactly. How pathetic is OP. This is s total YDI post. And really an entire cake!??!!

Just as long as you don't eat it all at once. Otherwise I have to say oink.

saraitkddh 47

What if OP is from the kind of people who eat a lot and never get fat? and even if not, that was really rude. Everyone is free to do what they want, keep your chin up OP!

#10 just because someone isn't fat doesn't necessarily mean they are healthy, just that they may have a fast metabolism

There is never a bad time for ice cream cake mate.

It's ice cream cake, you have my respect

No shame OP. You deserve that ice cream

Gluttony will come back to haunt you if you're not careful

There's absolutely nothing wrong there. You're not going to eat the whole thing in one sitting are you? No? Then you're good to go. It's no different than a single person making a batch of brownies. They'll just eat them over a period of days. Same thing here.