By Anonymous - 03/09/2010 06:18 - United States

Today, I bought a new, expensive face moisturizer. However, it smells like poop. I paid $20 dollars to make my face smell like shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 613
You deserved it 31 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wavesofblue 1

mabey shit is good for the skin also??? worked great on my lawn


In Soviet Russia, poop smells like moisturizer.


it's only $20? I thought I would be like $50

ydi, because you said it yourself.. you paid 20 dollars.. to make your face smell like your ass

Fishfanatic 7

YDI for wasting money on overpriced chemical filled rubbish op. One of the best and most commonly used moisturisers for the last...3000 years or so is....Olive oil. Better used on the body rather than the face though. For the face, plain sweet almond oil for normal skin, or for dry skin, Jojoba is better and a little thicker. Just a couple of drops is all you need for your face . Rose oil is good for most skin types as well and smells great as well.

$20 ? you call that expensive ? expensive is like $100 .

it's cheaper to buy your husband/boyfriend beer

People are so ignorant. What is expensive to one person is cheap to another. Anyway, take the poop-smelling moisturizer back to the store. You're the buyer, you dont have to keep something you don't like. If that's impossible for some reason, then buy yourself so soft fluffy socks and use the moisturizer at night to soften your feet. Put a good amount on and don your soft socks for the night. You'll have the softest feet in town!

No. We are saying it's cheap because it is! It's not just a matter of opinion

banananut 0

88, i heard it's made of bat poo. i'm not sure about that but yeah.. still gross.