By Anonymous - 03/09/2010 06:18 - United States

Today, I bought a new, expensive face moisturizer. However, it smells like poop. I paid $20 dollars to make my face smell like shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 613
You deserved it 31 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wavesofblue 1

mabey shit is good for the skin also??? worked great on my lawn


that's not even expensive. i pay $50 for moisturizer every 3 months or so.

jemmans 0

The industry is based on people who put decaying products on there faces! It is such a big con. I think most products do more harm than good - emotionally , to your finances and your body also.

don't you smell shytt before you buy shytt lol but lol

You should have smelt it before!!!!!! Twat.

...jokes but that does suck:/ I think u should sell it on eBay for a celebrities moistoriser!make urself a profit !!

next time, try smelling it before u buy it

xo_xolol 0

20 dollars. Real expensive.