By MDoremis - 24/02/2015 04:58 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I bought How To Train Your Dragon and the cashier started complaining how her kids keep demanding dragon stuff and that mine will start after they see the movie. I don't have any kids, and I didn't have the courage to tell her I was buying it for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 117
You deserved it 5 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rieebee 23

Dragons are awesome, who cares what others think.

Hopefully you didn't get so nervous that you started to Hiccup. Of course if a guy ever laughed at me for liking kid movies then he would become Toothless.


Hi guys, OP here! Thanks for the support! I was so shocked she had such a visceral reaction to the movie that all I could manage to get out was, "Oh, yeah, anything to make kids happy, right?" To which she agreed and I was happily able to flee the store. I kind of felt like this whole thing was a scene out of those awkward, dry wit tv shows or movies. I'm not a confrontational person, so the thought of correcting her and making her back pedal was worse to me than just pretending I agreed with her lamenting.

"while some people have Lamborghini & Ferraris, We have DRAGONS"!!

I can't stand when cashier's have to comment negatively on something your buying. So forget her and enjoy your movie!

thecman25 14

the cashier is just trying to make a conversation

TallMist 32

If she was trying to start a conversation, she shouldn't be so negative about it.

Forget her, Dragons is the best! (As you can probably tell from my profile picture)

There is no age limit to watching kids movies.

The movie is good but the book series is amazing - quite different from the movie (Toothless is a small and very naughty dragon in the book).

I don't see what the problem is, How To Train Your Dragon is a great movie.

I have the first and second How to train your dragon movies. They're awesome! Don't be ashamed lol

msmedieval 11

I'm 31 & watched both movies (without kids)! Toothless is awesome!

why are you buying movies and not downloading them? the mpaa isn't going to kick down your door. also, awesome movie

martin8337 35

Just as bad as him sticking his finger in your armpit and licking his finger or wanting to drink your bath water.

That movie is so mediocre. Why didn't you just pirate it OP?