By Jay - 06/06/2009 13:17 - United States

Today, I bought my cat a nice big bag of expensive anti-hairball catfood, so she'd stop puking hairballs on my things. After eating it, she started running around wildly, howling and projectile vomiting on EVERYTHING. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 749
You deserved it 7 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments're not supposed to just change an animal's food all of a sudden like that. it'd be like you only eating bread your entire life, and then one day we take away bread and just give you broccoli. you'd puke your guts up, because what the hell is this green stuff and where's my bread?! try mixing 75% old food with 25% new food for a few days, then 50%/50% , then 75% new and 25% , then 100% the new stuff.

That's how anti hairball food works. It's hard to cough up a hairball while puking


ithedarkknight 0

#19 said all that was needed to be said for this FML period! The rest of the comments aren't important~=)

jncwmnd 0

i'm assuming you didn't slowly mix it in then...cats get used to eating one food so if you just switch it in one day they will barf all over the place...oh now that i typed this I saw #13 post!

wow, that was nice to read whilst eating

runwest07 0

"Today, my owner gave me new food to help me with my hairball problem. It tasted like my own balls and made me sick. To show my distaste, I ran around howling and projectile vomiting on everything he owned. FHL."

breaksprinter_ 0

haha #49! But OP, it's most likely due to the switch of cat food, because I know whenever my dog eats a different type of food than what he is normally fed, he gets sick; so it's most like just adjusting your cat to the new food. Perhaps you should have slowly switched her to the new food?

#13, Go you. #49, I lol'd. Anyway, as #13 said, don't change the food so suddenly. Feel bad for you and your cat. Mostly the cat though.

runwest07 0

I just noticed that the OP's cat is female...damn, there goes the cat eating food that tastes like his balls. I'll have to try harder next time, lol.

hahahaha i just pictured that. Totally need a new cat