By phoneless - 17/04/2012 19:23 - Jordan

Today, I bought my first iPhone. Today, I broke my first iPhone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 172
You deserved it 26 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't understand how people break their iPhones so fast. I've had mine for a year and it's not even dented. If you are going to spend the money on an iPhone, be smart enough to spend a little extra on a case for it. Also, everyone raving about Android phones, I've had one and I know a lot of people who have them. Trust me when I say, Android phones tend to have a lot more problems/glitches VS. iPhones.

Just another reason why I dont buy overpriced apple gadgets

sonrisapreciosa 6

Looks like someone can't handle the iPhone

You should not have an i Phone if that happenes to you. How aboutbpne of those super durable Boost Mobile phones. : /

Ouch happened to my iPod touch too! It slipped from my hand and the screen cracked.. :(

Minnie87 0

Find someone that can fix it for you. My brother broke his and my cousin put a new screen on it.

My mom did this. Walked right out of the store and dropped it.

People make mistakes it wasnt his fault smh