By phoneless - 17/04/2012 19:23 - Jordan

Today, I bought my first iPhone. Today, I broke my first iPhone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 172
You deserved it 26 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments


BaruSaxBandGeek 5

shoulda gotton a windows phone

IPhones suck i hav one and i dnt really like it lol but hopefully u got the warranty ;)

204 - You really aren't bright, are you? Read 188s comment again, understand it (ask for help if you can't do it by yourself) then go hit your head on a brick wall. Although you probably did this before, judging by the lack of cleverness in your comment.

asdfghjklo 1

Don't worry: just go to the apple store and tell them what happened (depending on what did happen) and they'll change it for you. Mine fell and I have a new one; as long as it's younger than a year old (which it obviously is) it's fine (:

My first iPhone, I stupidly against my husbands wishes, brought it to china with me because I figured I would be good for maps or translations. I left it in the cab on my first day. :( I know how you feel.