By backtothelaundrettethen - 03/12/2012 11:40 - Germany

Today, I bought some expensive fabric softener since I'm not too keen on my detergent's smell. Only after washing two weeks worth of laundry did I discover that mixed together they realistically mimic the smell of fresh puke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 944
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you just ditch the nasty smelling detergent?

So you thought you'd mask the scent of something you don't like with something else? Are you the same guy who hangs 17 pine tree deodorants from your rear-view mirror to cover up the scent of the dead body in your trunk?


astralvagan 20

Are you sure your sense of smell isn't messed up? I'm pretty sure that industry does hundreds of thousands of studies to make sure stuff like that doesn't happen

If they're the same brand, they do. On a similar note, when my daughter was a baby I noticed after changing her wet diaper that my hands smelled like shrimp for some reason. It was the combined scents of Desitin diaper ointment and the brand of baby wipes I used. I switched ointment after that.

astralvagan 20

Next baby, try Boudreaux's butt paste.... It is awesome

ad_astra_taurus 2

There is shark oil in desitin. Just like preparation H.

martin_martian7 11

Tide and snuggle are the best ones :D

You do know that if you leave laundry in the washer it gets a rather putrid odor, right?

This is often a misunderstanding. Odds are its neither your detergent nor your softener. It's likely that your washer and / or dryer needs to be cleaned. (yes they DO require cleaning)

I agree, hot, empty wash with vinegar usually does the trick, if it isn't too bad. Also not leaving clothes for two weeks before washing might help. In qld if I leave it for a couple of days the humidity makes the clothes turn into a monster so powerful the power rangers died when they tried to help

saffy66 34

That's right, especially if you only wash in cold water. You need to run a hot wash with no clothes, just water and a litre or so of white vinegar. Let the full cycle run. If the smell is still there, ditch both & just get a nice smelling detergent. The only thing fabric softener really does is make flame retardant clothing more flammable.

KiddNYC1O 20
beautycrush495 10

Common sense should have told u to smells don't mix

Seeing as she lives in Germany and her name suggests "laundrette" I think that she can't get a lot of the brands we have in the US Or any other country for that matter. Just different brands that's all. Although..... I hope you can get Tide! :D

Sometimes it's your washing machine that does that. Or if you wash your clothes with towels together. Andddd if you don't remove your clothes right away when finished.