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By Katthebamf - 18/08/2013 23:33 - United Kingdom - York

Today, I broke into tears at work after being told my aunt had a stroke. My boss told me to "suck it up, no one is that close to their aunt." My aunt adopted me when my mother passed away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 915
You deserved it 2 465

Katthebamf tells us more.

Thanks for all the supportive comments. When I explained to him the situation he apologised and sent me home. I reported him to my senior manager and he has since received a warning for inappropriate behavior. My aunt is doing really well now, they caught it early and they say she will make a 100% recovery. She's talking again as well, but she will have to stay in hospital for a while for monitoring. Reading all the comments made me feel a lot better as well, thank you!

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

And your boss is an asshole. Here's to hoping your aunt has a great recovery.

That was very inconsiderate of him and pretty dumb to just assume! A lot of people are close to their aunt.


AnOriginalName 19

And your boss is an asshole. Here's to hoping your aunt has a great recovery.

Jake_Hale 7

OP: Tell him to go **** himself and if he threatens to fire you tell him you were just on your period and he might just excuse it :) I would know my friend did this!

It's terrible that OP's boss has the audacity to make a judgement about her relationship with her aunt. Her boss is not part of her family and he has absolutely no right to make such a statement.

nightowl713 25

Her boss is an asshole indeed! My Aunt recently passed, and she was more than just an aunt, she was my best friend. No one family is the same, and he crossed a line assuming that they are. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery OP!!

It's possible your friend lied to you so you wouldn't mock him for not having an income. Just putting it out there.

45, the FML does not state that a friend told OP, its was most likely a family member. secondly, where does it ever say that OP was mocking another friend about income? It doesn't. i have no idea how you pulled those crazy assumptions out of your ass.

It doesn't matter if its someone's great great aunt, you never say something like that in that situation. Your boss has horrible social skills. Also I'm very close to my aunt, I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to her.

chell1894 13

I think 45s comment is referring to 23s comment.

Depending on your response, do you coincidentally have to go job hunting? Hope your aunt is alright by the way.

That was very inconsiderate of him and pretty dumb to just assume! A lot of people are close to their aunt.

etoilenuit 15

I'm extremely close to my niece and nephew. What a dipshit.

daretolive95 6

This is why one should not make assumptions, particularly ones that are horrible. All that happens is that they make an ass of themselves.

Don't worry about him OP, don't let his arrogance bring you down!

incoherentrmblr 21

Your boss needs to suck a dick. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

gloooooria 14

Is 'sucking dick' a punishment? I always thought it was for pleasuring your partner. And he sure as heck doesn't deserve that. Even if HE is giving.

It's punishment to a straight male to suck another male's dick, yes.

XxXCrissyXxX 12

That is fricken horrible! If i were you I'd have put em in his place. Here is hoping for a speedy recovery for your aunt. Take care of yourself too!

Well your boss is a prick. I'm really close to all my aunts and my niece is one of my best friends. I helped look after her from the day she was born because my sister and her ex had to work complicated hours. I hope your aunt has a speedy recovery, OP. best wishes.

What. The. ****? What the hell is his problem? How dare he tell you what you should or shouldn't do in her absence, you should have been like, "Well she did raise me." that would shut his ass up