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By FMLdude - 18/08/2013 23:23 - Australia - Bexley

Today, I accidentally hit an elderly man while driving. The police came, and five minutes later I was told that he confessed to walking in the middle of the road to get hit and claim compensation. He was fine, but I still got charged for hitting a pedestrian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 296
You deserved it 4 983

Same thing different taste


Fight the ticket, it wasn't your fault the man literally walked in front of you.

then000bster 16

Well too bad you didn't drive a little faster and just run the guy over. Maybe if e tries it again you can have a chance (:

Regardless though, she still hit a pedestrian no matter what he was doing in the middle of the road.

ariiewilliams 17

Elderly people have been causing a lot of problems on FML lately.

ofcourse it was his fault.. if you cant se a person walking in the middle of the road when you are driving, than you are ******* blind. Anyway it does not give the driver right to hit someone with his car. a ticket is a way to mild punishment.

If someone wants to be hit, they'll be hit. Not much you can do about it. Fight the ticket.

#35 you realize it's pretty ******* hard to stop if someone jumps right infront of you while they're about 5-3 feet away. Some people's car breaks are horrible, and depending on the speed I don't think op could stop that quickly.

In Australia, no matter what the pedestrian does, its always the driver's fault.

Panchovilla64 6

Did you kiss his bubu and say. I'm sorry?

That's not funny... Everyone knows it's spelled "booboo".

I think people are avoiding spelling it that way cause of the tv show.

skyeyez9 24

She kissed him with the bumper of her car.

Always pay attention and NEVER go too fast in an area where ANYONE can walk out in front of you like that. But this is kind of both an FML and YDI, I think.

That's kind of hard sometimes. Where I live there are 45 mph three lane streets and crazy dickheads try and cross all the time (never in designated walking zones). These streets are packed so going too slow creates traffic jams. All in all, I just think that old guy wanted to see how much he could get a way with and, in this case, it was a lot

First of all, we don't even know if OP was speeding. Second, the man was trying to get hit, so whether OP was going 20 or 80, the man was going to get hit by the car. Your comment is irrelevant in many more ways that I don't have time for now.

that sucks but i kinda feel srry for the man if he was trying to get hit for all he knew it cod have just as easily been a suicide :'(

I don't think he wanted to commit suicide. The FML says he confessed to walking in front of the car just so he can be hit and claim compensation, suggesting he assumed he would live and that he just wanted to get money from it. Even though he could have died.

It's sad how far people will go for money.

He wasn't going for money if he admitted his wrong. The cops are just idiots. The old man was probably thinking of killing himself

If you read it says the old man had planned to file for compensation meaning he did it for money, but probably guilt came over him or something to change his mind.

He must have been truly desperate to risk his life for that

FusionPlacebo 26
Onable 4

YDI. Thats what happens when yoy hit someone. I'm sure you were either busy, drunk, speeding.

If someone jumps out into a busy street it does not matter how well you pay attention, normal people do not do that. The old man admitted to trying to get money, so Op should not have been charged with anything.

7 - What evidence is there in the FML to support any of those claims?

Are you drunk while writing here? I hope so...

7 - She would have been breathalized at the scene, plus speed would have been determined by any tyre marks on the road and the fact that the old man is not injured. She could have been busy though, because who doesn't notice an old man walking down the middle of the road and take measures to avoid him. Regardless of whether he meant to get hit or not, she is still guilty of hitting a pedestrian! Hopefully the proculator fiscal will just either throw it out of court or issue a small fine with a few penalty points.

That's awful. At least he's okay - better to be fined unfairly than to accidentally kill someone!

FYL to OP and to the elderly man who felt that was his best option.

beneathitallxx 15

sucks, at least you wont feel guilty about hitting someone with your car.