By higagram - 10/09/2010 03:15 - United States

Today, I bumped into a lady in the New Jersey airport. After I politely apologized she said, "Watch your step, asshole." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 824
You deserved it 5 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Manners went out of style in the early 90's. It seems you won't make it anywhere in this world if you're polite to others. People seem to take it the wrong way and see you as even more of an asshole than you really are. If you were even one in the first place.

JokeMeister 0

The correct response was"**** You!!"


GoodLookingGeese 10

after all it is The Sopranos state ;)

so u sayin fyl cuz sum1 was a lil rude? smh

FFML_314 11

This is unacceptable, 42. Preposterous!

katelynjoy 0

haha xD bitchy old ladies FTW maybe the chica was having a bad day...

I don't know why, but grumpy old people crack me up. So rude, but gotta love it!!

3ddie_the_head 0

Is it just me, or are people from New Jersey overly disrespectful?

Well, how would you respond if your state was used as a punch line for the rest of the country? It all depends on where you're from anyway. Everyone responds differently, some more offensively than others.

RedPillSucks 31

She'd probably make a joke about Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, or West Virginia


pen, I grew up there, and I cannot even /tell/ you the number of times I've been called Mountain Momma. Even in a tiny, [relatively] isolated fishing villiage in China I visited, everyone still knew and sang that song to me. D: The phrase does not have very flattering connotations in WV.

katelynjoy 0
jinxthejinx 0

YDI for being in New Jersey. I'm sure someone has said that already, but I am too lazy to look.