By heheheh - 22/08/2011 06:43 - Canada

Today, I burned my tongue. With a flat iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 981
You deserved it 57 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Jarhead2700 2

wow you should really explain how tgat happened.

No Bobby, that's NOT food! Oh look, the men in the white coats are here to give you one of those fancy jackets with the wrap-around sleeves!

Johnnygirl13 0

I hate it when that happens :( ... Loool but really how do you even manage that ?!?!

may i ask why u put the hot flat iron on ur tongue....??

I hate it when I eat a flat iron and this happens

moonglow93 4
s55m 4

omg the same thing happened to me!!! i saw a pig flying out the window.... distractions these days, right?