By heheheh - 22/08/2011 06:43 - Canada

Today, I burned my tongue. With a flat iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 981
You deserved it 57 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kitsune3 20

Uh....I have to wonder why you had the iron near your mouth. Did you stumble and have a really bad hand slip? Were you using it on something close to your face? You should be more careful.

daniellestatt 0
EpicAnonFail 0

That's happened to me before. Except it was my fault because I was curious, so I placed my tongue on the straightener and I bienes my tongue.

july7799 0

I do that all the time!!! ha jk how the crap did u do that!

Katen_SLUtah 0

Ouch geeze that sucks sorry ;) feel better! Gargle with vanilla extract

DropDeadBlaze 0

and you were licking your straightener beeecaaause?

NaticaJai 0
LifeStory32 9

First of all, why would that be anywhere near your mouth???