By heheheh - 22/08/2011 06:43 - Canada

Today, I burned my tongue. With a flat iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 981
You deserved it 57 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bieberfreak18 0

Why the hell were u eating your flat iron?

how on earth did you manage that??? surely you couldn't have been that hungry :P i mean it is nice to have a hot meal every once in a while...

andrewsgirl2010 7

Why the hell did you put a flat iron on your tounge? Are you retarded or somethin?

barbiegirl619 15

Wow that's a new level of dumb. YDI

You are officially more of a retard than chris chan....and that is horrible on sonichu levels YDI

arielzbkny 0

I can't say I feel bad for you. If you get your flat iron that close to your tongue, you deserve to get burnt.

alexicanaaa 7