By Depressed - 08/03/2009 21:58 - United States

Today, I called up the boy I like to ask him on a date. He said "Haha, thats a pretty good impression Chris. Next time pick someone less ugly and maybe I'd think this is real." He thought I was his friend prank calling him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 90 442
You deserved it 4 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holy crapp . that was mean . find a better guy to like !


damnn what an asshole. find a better guy

wait why would the guy believe it if it was something prettier? Wouldn't it be more believable if it was an ugly person? I'm smelling a fake! But if its not IM SORRY.

I suppose because the friend might have wanted to see what he'd do in the awkward situation. Whether he'd say no, or end up cornered into a date with someone he doesn't like. That's my theory, but who knows how the minds of immature wankers work?

7bats 0


That's just mean, but asking someone out on the phone usually doesn't work if you don't know them to well. It works sometimes though.

Dante167 0

I dont get why people think someones an asshole just because they believe someone is ugly, everyone has a right to their own opinion